Lidt om mig

De sidste 2 år har jeg været en del af et udviklingsteam bestående af tre personer, hvor jeg udviklede diverse webløsninger i Umbraco, herunder opsætning af Umbraco CMS med fokus på brugervenlige interface for vores kunder, oprettelse af document types og data types samt integration af disse ved hjælp af C# i Visual studio. 

Yderligere lavede Jeg hele frontend delen, med fokus på responssiv design og crossplatform design. I alle mine projekter bruger jeg extensions som ”Sass” til at håndtere alle mine CSS filer og ”GSAP” til moderne animationer på hjemmesider. 

Udover webudvikling, har jeg også at gøre med udvikling af dynamiske banner pakker, som bliver brugt til reklame i hele Danmark. Her sidder jeg primært med JavaScript og ”GSAP” extension. Disse bliver udviklet i vores intern banner templates.

Brandhouse | Umbraco developer

2022 – 2024 (2 years)

Relevent projects

Uno-X Mobility Danmark & Uno-X Norge

As the lead frontend developer for our client Uno-X, I was responsible for updating the entire website layout and improving the CMS within Umbraco for both the Danish and Norwegian websites. Working from Figma files, I collaborated closely with our intern and external creative departments to meet specific animation requirements. I integrated new features into the existing website, ensuring full responsiveness across all devices and browsers. Additionally, I optimized the CMS to provide easy navigation and made all elements editable for the client, improving overall web performance and user experience. I also conducted a thorough cleanup of the code, removing unnecessary CSS, adjusting HTML, and adapting new features to integrate seamlessly with the existing code structure.

Skoda - Tour de France 

Each year Skoda being the main partner of the Tour de France, requires various digital solutions for their campaigns and surveys. In addition to delivering multiple web solutions using Umbraco CMS, I was responsible for creating dynamic banner ads that were displayed on social media and Skoda’s main website. I strategically encoded MP4 files and processed images in Photoshop to achieve the highest quality within storage limits for each ad. All ads were developed using the GSAP JavaScript animation library, which simplifies the process of making changes and provides features that improve the precision of designing animations.

Brandhouse - CMS swap

I led the migration of the Brandhouse website from WordPress to Umbraco CMS. During the planning phase, I identified and squeezed multiple elements with similar functionalities, simplifying them into single components. This reduced complexity by merging 2-3 elements into one flexible element capable of handling all their features. I set up the project in Visual Studio, structured files, and wrote clean, maintainable code. I also improved the website’s responsiveness, fixed bugs, and simplified the content creation process by designing a more intuitive CMS interface using my UX skills.

Heybuddies | Internship

11/2022 – 12/2022 (2 months)

Relevent projects

Heybuddies application

Joining Heybuddies as their first intern, I had to quickly adapt to a dynamic environment and take independent action to manage an unfinished application with a tight launch deadline. I learned about Amazon Web Services (AWS) and was given resposibility for hosting the application on AWS servers. With some experience in coding, I was able to review a React project provided by developers from India and understand their struggles.


We were facing significant communication challenges with our colleagues from India, resulting in wasted time and additional costs. Small details missed during our meetings, caused by language barriers and impatience, have led to a misunderstanding of requirements for the new features. This has resulted in additional adjustments that did not fit with other components of the application.


To address this, I made a Miro project which is a cloud workspace for project management. I then created a timeline to visually represent the upcoming strategy for the application launch. Additionally, I created an online spreadsheet containing the list of all features within the application. This allowed us to review each of them with the development team and track the process. With the help of Photoshop, I created visual representations of each dynamic element in the application. This helped the developer